Well it was just all talk at first, but i am going to HK woohoo...just bought my tickets from airasia on Thursday for RM690 leaving on the 13th of Jan-17th of Jan. My cousin got her ticket for RM629 and she invited me to go with her.Seeing that it was so cheap i started planning for the trip. I was planning it for a week and have already decided to go on Monday but i had to wait for my pay on thursday b4 i could get it and it became RM690 then when i got it like 3 days later :( but oh well m soo looking forward to it. I asked both my sis to tag along since it was cheap and two of my frens from Guangzhou would meet us there too and of course most important can go with you lor hehe ^.^ Since last year i make it a point that i travel somewhere every summer b4 i start working and get too old to do anything :p Was planning to go to taiwan after Xmas but it was sooo expensive so i guess HK would have to do...ll leave taiwan for next year ^.^
Because of this trip m getting soo broke and out of budget so i have to eat noodles for lunch now :( I used to buy pies which is like NZD2.50 or if m feeling generous ll get a lunch box for NZD5.50 but starting from this week i had been eating noodles as i dont think ll save enuf b4 i go back at the rate m spending, eventhough its not much at all :p But after two days of eating noodles, i decided that its really unhealthy and therefore i decided to start making my dinner+lunch hehe....wat i made yesterday was........
Fried Rice

Ingredients: Sliced button Mushroom, fish balls and ham

One packet of adabi Perencah Nasi Goreng...oh wait actually two packet :p

1) Fried some crushed garlic before mixing all the ingredients together and frying until golden brown
2) Add the perencah nasi goreng and fry for another 5 mins.
3) Add rice
4) Add two eggs after its well cooked (apporximately 5-10 min)
5) Fry for another 3-5 min

Result: Despite its look, it taste really good wahaha...Hide you did it again!!!!

This is what i made for dinner tonight and also for my lunch tomorrow ^.^ wuwuwu my sis have been eating out this days as her bf is here..i really wanted to go with them but i have to save...NZD10 dollar a meal is too much for me :( So despite working for 8 hours today, i have to come home, shower and cook...after dinner i normally just surf the net, chat on msn and then sleep...how interesting my life is.
Introducing boy boy
While at worked today, me and raesher realise that we forgot to bring our keys, normally keli is at home but she's working day shift today so NO ONE is at home....omg!! On weekdays, the office is open and therefore they could open it for us, but being a sunday there wasnt anyone working so we decided to call the building supervisor which happen to live like 2 door away from us....So we explained our situation and KNN he wanted to charge us NZD25 just to get he;s lazy ass off the couch and walk two door away to open our door for us....and to add it up he was like, "i could charge you up to NZD50" m like %^&$^&%....so i told him no thanks ll just go have a drink while waiting for my sis to come home...
But instead we went dog hunting....well not actually hunting dogs but go around looking at dogs for sale as raesher bf Don wanted to get one. So after looking for 2 and a half hours he decided to get a Maltese for NZD1200

Boy boy is sooo cute, no?Well maybe not as cute as my lucky wakaka p.s: He havent got a name so that what i am gonna call him "boy boy" lol

Boy boy being shy

One thing good about him, he's soo obedient. Doesnt bark or doesnt run around like lucky used to..
Even though i had a good day, one thing that is bugging me right now is my swollen forehead :( During work today, i was cleaning the toilet which happen to have a wall mounted foldable bench..something like this

Well the difference is ours is twice as big and its super heavy...Being the hardworking guy that i am, i fold the bench in order to wash the walls below..and just my luck, while i was busy cleaning below, the bench fall back down hitting my forehead....It hurt soo bad i didnt know wat hit me.Mom have always commented that i have very hard skull :p i think if its someone else, they might have die from their skulls busting open or bleeding to death....Grrrr soo have to get compensation from my boss...Anyway its stil hurting now so m off to bed...7 am work tmr...will update soon ciao