Well for starters one of the few things that happen the past few weeks is that i got cal in for my pharmacy interview...woohoo!My interview was last monday and only days b4 the interview that i realise...I got NOTHIGN TO WEAR for my interview :(
After work on friday me+raesher went to town in hope of buying a formal suit for my interview which cost me like NZD130 in total...i am too kiam siap to pay this amount just for one interview...But luckily my cousin eddie jsut came up to AKL a couple weeks back and he happen to had one so i end up borrowing he;s..well he wore it for he;s job interview and did get the job so hopefully that luck would be on my side too ^.^
Ok enuf for the bs now to the main event....
Christmas Party!! (11th Dec 2008)

Raesher and her soup

I know its a little early to celebrate xmas, but this was organise by the hotel m working which is City lodge hotel. There was a few events going on such as cookie competition+treasure hunt and we the housekeeping crew decided that we would all prepared some food for everyone. we actually expected our manager to buy some food as he didnt know we were preparing something, well but we thought wrong -.-'' i wonder wat the party would be like without our food :p

Busy ppl preapring food. Front: Ina (Brazil) Back: Raesher (msia)

Raesher and her soup

Jon from Korea..He did not prepared anything so he bought us sushi!!!

Sushi+muahzi (dont know if tht is how u spelt it ^.^ )

Sushi Shot #2

Vegetables by Tigis from Ethiopia

Dumpling+fish ball soup by Raesher

Food Shot #1

Food Shot #2

Food Shot#3

Me preparing the chocolate topping for my chocolate cheesecake....

Me+Ina posing with my chocolate cheesecake

Despite it looks, it taste really yummy as everyone say muahaha! It was gone in 60 sec upon serving on table ^.^ btw, this is the first time making a chocolate cheesecake as it was requested by many ppl :)

Our bartender for the day..Andre from Brazil

Andre and raesher

Capirinha (brazillian drink)

Andre 'shaking' hard

Left to right: Tigis, Jon, Ina and Raesher

Samuel our manager from Switzerland

Kathrin our receptionist from German

Dominic from Uk...He is one of our long term guest at city lodge and he;s freakign 201 cm tall 0.0

Me+Dominic.......grrrr wish i was taller :(

Random shot

Me and Joella from France and Jon

Me and Samuel

Raesher posing with the two German girls Anne and Beatrice

Anne, Beatrice and Kai

Raesher posing with Andre and Kathrin

Me and Andre

The treasure hunt contest. Participants (in group of two) were to travel around the city via free bus or by leg if u have really good stamina, collecting 6 brochures in the allocated spots. Duration: 2 hours.

The runner up of the treasure hunt with a time of 57 mins. The german couple

Dominic and hmmm cant remember he;s name : Champion of the treasure hunt with a time of 56 mins ^.^ Yes just one min apart between the champion and runner up.
Price for champions: A full paid adventure trip to waiwera with bbq lunch, kayaking and hot pool.

Beatrice and her german cookies for the cookie contest

Ppl chilling listening to spanish guys playing guitar

Anne with the guitar. Her voice is soooooooo god damm nice..She used to be in a choir back in Germany

Me with Beatrice

Me with Anne
The party started at about 4 pm and i went back around 9.30 p.m as i had work still the next day..Apparently some of them were stil drinking and went clubbing till like 3 am in the morning..Wish i could have joined them sigh...but oh well..It was a really good afternoon and everyone enjoyed it alot....I love my job :))))
Coca Cola Christmas In the PArk!1( 13th Dec 2008)
For the 5th year now, Nz have a coca-cola christmas in the park where ppl gather and listen to performances from Nz artist which would last about 2 hours and would end with a displays of fireworks. I was actually reluctant to go at first but i had promise ina and my other work mates that i would go and so i went in the end. DAren motto: Never promise someone if u cannot fufill the promise. ^.^

On the way to Domain where the coca cola Christmas in the park held. The road was block and no car was allow to pass through and therefore we had to walk. Didnt expect so many people to be there.

On the way to Domain where the coca cola Christmas in the park held. The road was block and no car was allow to pass through and therefore we had to walk. Didnt expect so many people to be there.

Random shot

Got shocked by the number of people there when i arrived..seriously didnt expect this to be such an big event.

Estimated number of people = 200,000

The stage where they performed.

Joella and her cousin


As we only arrive there about 7.30, most of the people had taken up the front spot and we were watching from the middle..but the park was so god damm big that even from the middle its milesss away :( Therefore we had to watch the performances from the big screen tv there.

People camping+watching the performances.

Ina and her hubby eduardo aka Edu

Ina and hubby shot #2

Chips and hotdog for my dinner :( Didnt have time to eat as i shower and came right after work.

Random shot #2

Self shot ^.^

Guest from our city lodge hotel enjoying themselves

Jason half drunk and he's jap gf ^.^
There are a few more pics of the fire works and santa taken and some short video but due to time, i have to upload it some other time...
Lemon Cheesecake (15th Dec 2008)
Well i promised keli that i would bake her a cheesecake for helping me out with my chocolate cheesecake..I was suppose to bake it one day b4 the party which is on Wed 10th Dec 2008 as it was my day off but i am TOOO lazy and decided to laze around the whole day :) At 7 pm i was about to start baking when i realise that, the groceries store near my place doesnt sell alot of the ingredients i need which includes baking tray :(
So after looking at a few minimart near my apartment i decided whether i shud make something else. BUt as i said, i have promise Ina and the rest i would make them a chocolate cheesecake and i ALWAYS keep my promise ^.^ End up walking to foodtown which is like 30-35 mins walk to buy it..It was almost 10 when i started baking and therefore i ask keli to help me as i wont finish it in time at the rate..she was reluctant at first as she just got back from work and also cause she wouldn even get to eat it so i promise her that i would make her one hehe and again just me keeping my promise ^.^

Ingredients: Cream chesse (2x 250g), two bottle of Lemon Jam, sugar, 300ml of full cream, and crackers

1) Smash the crackers (approx 8-10 pieces according to how thick u want the crust) using either ur fingers or a flat object. (make sure its clean ^.^) Alternatively, you can just buy a premade graham cracker crust.

2) Add about 30g-50 g of melted butter and again its up to ur preferences..personally i like butter alot and therefore i add about 40g of it.

3) Spread it on the baking tray until it is well compressed and flat

4) It should look like this. Put into freezer for at least 30 min but i advice 40 min so the crust is well harden.

5) In a large mixer bowl, beat the cream cheese with an electric mixer

6) Add in 1 bottle of the Jam and 1/4 cup of sugar. ( I added 1/2 cup but it was kinda sweet as the jam is really sweet, so for those who doesnt like it two sweet 1/4 cup would do) Beat until smooth.

7) In a separate bowl, beat the full cream until its turns thick

8) Mix in the full cream with the cream cheese and mix it until well blended.

9) Scoop the mixture onto the crust which is now harden

10) It should look something like this...Put into freezer for AT LEAST 3 hours but recommended 4 hours.

Open the other bottle of jam and spread on top as the final step..You now have a super yummy lemon cream cheese..According to my work mates, its as good as the ones u get in the bakery..hmm maybe i shud be a baker ^.^
To make the chocolate cheesecake, instead of using the Jams, mix in 1 1/2 cup of melted chocolate chips. As the chocolates arent as sweet as the Jam, make sure u use at least 1/2 cup of sugar or more if u prefer it sweet. And again for the topping, melt 1 cup of chocolate chips and spread on it which can be seen at the xmas party :)
Shopping (17th Dec 2008)
Normally on my day off i would just laze around at home. But one of my close friend Iris from hong kong just came to visit from dunedin. She will be staying at my place for 2 weeks and therefore on my this day off, i decided to acc her shopping. We went yum cha aka dim sum at New market with pinko and Min about 11. After that me, min pinko and iris went to dress smart to do alittle shopping. I always wanted to go there as it is one of the cheapest store around and i havent been shopping in ages. Even when i do shop, i end up buying nth as mention in previous post. Therefore i was determine to get something today....

Back Shot: Yes my first clothes in about 7 months. Original price NZD139. After discount NZD 34.5.

Dickies T-shirt back shot : Original price NZD49.90. After discount NZD34

Front shot
Well compare to iris which bought like 10 pieces and spent like 300-400 this is nth but oh well i am so happy that at least i got something...I am running out of clothes to wear as most of my clothes are either too small or too old now..Hmmm maybe m stil growing :p
p.s: As i have spent 4 hours on this post and its almost 12 now AND i have work tmr i will stop here..More pics to come as i have have it store in another camera so pls do visit more often for update
erm still growing?haha growing --> thinner? hahaha :p btw..i wanna try ur choco and lemon cheese cake o when u come back thanks la muahahah
hehe of course can la..wait go back let u try lo...11 days and couting cant wait le ^.^
yay yay..gonna try ur cooking + cake when u come back :P er erm k a n j i o n g.. n e r v o u s oh lol
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