Okok as promise, below are some other pics that i took on xmas in the park 2008.

Some mexican dude (or maybe he just act mexican) basking at the entrance

hahaha sooo cute no?


Me and Eduardo aka Edu (Ina husband)

Gotcha ^.^

Ina and hubby...awww so sweet :p


The xmas tree

Santa coming in boat..hmm no idea why??

Santa in boat shot #2

Fireworks Shot#1






The fireworks was the best part of the night..have to say that the performances werent that great..expected lots of xmas songs but instead got rewarded by pop songs and oldies ^.^ But i guess the fireworks is worth the wait...not sure if i would go again though
Raesher's BashHappy 24th birthday ahaha...getting so old ^.^ Anyway we celebrated Raeshers bday on the 20th of Dec which is a saturday as most people are busy/working on the weekdays.Venue: New Lynn Rasa Sayang
Date: 20th Dec 2008

Bday girl and bf

Me with Ivan and Shermayne

Eddie and Sarina

Iris and Keli

The girls minus pinko ^.^

Me+Bk and Ivan

Bday girl and Bf shot #2

Food, food food ^.^ I was soo hungry that night as i only had sandwiches during lunch and it was soo busy that day that we only finish at about 5.30, so i ate soo much..Had a eating competition with Ivan to see who can eat the most and the winner is.........ME ME ME!! Rasa Sayang is a Malaysian Restaurant and i have to say its the best malaysian food i had in NZ...prolly thats why i ate soo much :p

Sharkfin+crab meat soup

Pork Ribs

Butter prawns

Hainam chicken

Kangkung belacan

Kampung tofu

Asam fish

We had to book the hainam chicken+rice one day in advance as its realyl popular here. Me doing the honor of being the waiter for the night :p

NOw you see, now you dont...gone in 60 secs..not literally ^.^

Bday girl with bday cake...chocolate mousse got from Gateo House

Kiss for Bday girl..so sweet

Blowing cake pose

Cutting cake pose

Family pics...grrrr had my eyes half close....new trend in posing?

Group photos....grrr m so short :( hmmm or maybe because m standing beside the two twin tower that i look short? ^.^
After dinner, we had a drinking session at my apartment before going out to magarita (a popular asian club in Akl) I was against them drinking at our place as i had work the next day at 7 and have to wake up at 5.45 so i would only had less than 6 hours of zz :( In the end they only left at 1 Zzzzzzzz..i sooo expected this as it is always the case..expected them to be alittle bit more considerate but i guess cant be help when u get drunk....end up only have 4 hours plus of sleep sigh...



Iris Sarina and Shermayne...lots of faces getting red ^.^



Pinko and Min
Dinner at Ina (Sunday 21 Dec 2008)I am leaving back to Msia next year and Ina will be going back to Brazil in feb and therefore i wont be seeing her anymore when m back from my hols. So we decided to have a dinner gathering at Ina place..Her husband is a baker and he cooks soooo well..Wish i could spent more time with them and learn how to cook from Edu :) Gonna miss you guys soo much...city lodge is not gonna be the same :( Oh well ll save up and see ya guys in Brazil one day ^.^

Me, Raesher and Don with Edu

Us with Ina

Arroz de something i cant remember :( Its Oven rice in english :p soo yummy

My portion....i ate like 2 plates of this ^.^

Self shot

Oh did i mention that Edu is also a musician and singer back in Brazil...he was always looking at Ina when he plays....awww they are soooo sweet

One album that he and he's fren release..

Back cover
If you guys areinterested, you can hear one of he's song at youtube
Here....its call vou voar or I can fly in eng (if m not mistaken) ^.^
Okok thats all for now...sleep time...will update soon ciao
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