Sunday, November 9, 2008


Firstly i have to start of by saying how freaking pissed i am...GRRRRR!!!I have been working everysingle day since finishing my exams on thursday..that means waking up 6.30-6-45 in the morning. Having slept pretty late on friday night, i was soo tired and was hoping to have a good night sleep, only to be disturbed by the freaking fire alarm..well it wasnt that bad as it only lasted for a few mins but it still woke me. Probably due to that, i had a massive headache yesterday after work at 3 and was soooo sleepy but had to stay up because 1) i have to buy groceries 2) i have to cook since both my sis are having exams on monday. I took like 2 panadols, fight through the pain, went groceries shopping, cooked dinner and then eat which was already like 10..So i decided that i shall have a good night rest tonight.Slept around 10.30 thinking ll get enuf sleep tonight only to be awaken by...........................THE FREAKING FIRE ALARM AGAIN....GRRR assuming that it would only last a few mins i tried to ignore it. But it was going on and on and on until it became so loud asking us to evacuate the building..So m thinking...hmmm maybe there is a fire. Got up put on a hoody and was ready to walk out of my door when it stop. !@#&*$^&*!$ can u freaking imagine how pissed i was at tat moment. Seriously if it rings again tonight ll seriously burn down this place. RARW

Note: I really dont know how keli can sleep through all that noise ^.^ Maybe she just choose to ignored it but i did try too but its just too damm annoying/irritating. *breath...wooosah

Well since i was busy working the last few days..havent been doing much at all. But i did went shopping on friday afternoon with both my sis and sheena just before work and i got this...

Its sooo damm cute, no? M gonna name it...xiao lao po ^.^

Look the hood comes off ^.^

Posing without hood shot #2 on thursday and friday just to pay for this :( Ummm....not that m complaining oh..hope you'll like it now u cant say i didnt get you ^.^

Election 2008

Well i guess most of you by now would have known that obama is the new president of US. If you belong to the minority that dont know...i got no more to say to you. Anyway last night was NZ general election which the National has won ending 9 years of labour party ruling under Prime minister Helen Clark. National leader John key will be forming the new goverment.

Watching changes happening around the world, watching how the americans are willing to put aside racial differences and electing someone who is HALF BLACK being their president. America in a way is very much like Msia, where the country is made up of many different races where the white americans make up the majority and the african american the minority and also asian american the countries 2nd largest racial minority. Well much like the malays, chinese and indian in msia. Did you know that even up till the 1960's the black in america wont even allowed voting until the 1965 Voting rights Act established? 43 years from that, and they can progressed from a racially divided society to one nation who would accept a freaking black president. As for msia where are we not after 51 years of independence and after 49 years of the 1969 racial riots that broke out? We are still at the same point where listed companies have racially determined quotas of ownerships, where getting into University or a scholarship depends on whether you;re a 'bumiputra', where people cant have any sort of freedom of speech without being arrested by the ISA, and especially where NO CHINESE can be the freaking PM.

In the 1950s and 60s we were one of the most progressive countries in south east asia and after 50 years we are being compared to the likes of thailands, phillipines and indonesia instead of being up there with countries like Singapore. Who is to blame? How long does it take for people to realise that its not the race you belong but the most suitable guy for the job? Are they stupid enough to keep fighting for racial problems instead of the countries well being and prosperities? 50 years under the ruling of BN and where do we stand?

I really hope that the people of Malaysia would open their eyes, and learn from the Americans. to put aside all this nonsense and choosing a path for the better of the country and choosing someone most capable to run the country regardless of he's race.

Ok enough complaining for a day..i shall rest my mind and body now as i have work 7 am tmr which mean i have to wake up at 5.45...NOOOOOO!! Oh well..为了你,辛苦一点也没关系吧!!


Gpy-glowworm said...

er...不是全部都是为了我咯..some are for u urself hehe..

thank u oh i like the bear so much's so cute (as cute as me wahahaha :p) muakz

Anonymous said...

er.....the skirt looks small..i scared i cant wear it :p